What's Happening
The Knights of Columbus Council 789 located at 132 South Buckeye Street in Wooster, Ohio is a very active catholic men's fraternal organization that is very busy promoting events designed to provide charitable giving and community fellowship. We are dedicated to uphold the principles of our faith, our country and our families. The following activities are planned to always keep these principles in the forefront of our minds..
BingoThe Knights of Columbus Council 789 hosts a charitable bingo program open to the public on Thursday nights at the Council Hall. Our doors open at 4 P.M. and our regular bingo program begins at 6:30 P.M. We begin selling instant bingo tickets at 4:30 P.M. and we also have a convenient concession stand offering sandwiches, snacks and drinks for a nominal fee. Free coffee is also available to all players. Come on out and enjoy a fun filled evening. A copy of our bingo program is available below.
Hall RentalThe Knights of Columbus Hall at 132 South Buckeye Street in Wooster, Ohio is available for rentals. Our rental rates are reasonable and our hall has many fine amenities making it an excellent choice for wedding receptions, bridal showers, anniversary or birthday parties office parties, family and class reunions, meetings or seminars. Check out the Hall Rental page of our website for more details on the facilities. For more information you can email us at kofc789@hotmail.com or call Dean at 614-373-6664 to schedule a viewing.